Moving quickly to implement social distancing and other safety and procedural measures has allowed Lankhorst Offshore to maintain production through the COVID-19 upheaval. With over 120,000 metres of deepwater mooring lines shipped over the past three months for projects in the Gulf of Mexico, Guyana and Israel, the company’s agility has ensured customer projects are not delayed.
Lankhorst Offshore can draw on two production facilities in Portugal in Paredes and the port of Viana do Castelo. The 120,000 metres of Cabral 512 polyester rope translates into 77 reels with an average weight of 60 tonnes. Once ready for shipping the reels were quickly transported to the waiting vessel. One of the projects used reels from an earlier project that had been returned, along with a lifting beam. Reusable reels are becoming an established part of the Lankhorst commitment to sustainability and offer considerable savings on repeat projects.
Cabral 512 ropes utilise a rope construction that is optimised for deepwater mooring applications. Manufactured from high efficiency sub-rope cores laid parallel within an outer braided jacket, each sub-rope is monitored during rope manufacture to ensure all sub-ropes have equal tension and length. This produces a durable rope with a very high tenacity.
For one recent project, the Cabral 512 rope achieved a world record breaking strength for a polyester rope during testing with an unbroken load of 27004kN (2752.7mT) – the test machine had to be stopped as it was at its limit.
“Our teams at Paredes and Viana do Castelo have done an excellent job in ensuring our mooring lines are manufactured, tested and delivered on time,” says Neil Schulz, Sales Director Deepwater Mooring. “Even though COVID-19 may be with us for some time yet, we’ve demonstrated our manufacturing resilience that customers can rely on Lankhorst Offshore.”
For more information on Deepwater Mooring contact Neil Schulz on