Strength in depth
Offshore Energy

As wind energy production moves further offshore, and water depths increase, fibre rope mooring lines from Lankhorst Offshore hold the key to the successful deployment of floating wind turbine generator (WTG) platforms. The mooring rope characteristics of Gama98® Dyneema® DM20® and Cabral 512® PES make them an ideal choice for offshore wind mooring projects and places Lankhorst Offshore at the forefront as the Fibre World Technological Leader for Floating Wind Turbine Mooring.

Lankhorst Offshore Gama98® Dyneema® DM20® fibre ropes provide a soft catenary mooring system. The combination of flexibility and stiffness ensures a resilient mooring for long-term offshore deployment, while restraining the platform’s horizontal movement.

Moreover, the ease of High Modulus Poly-Ethylene (HMPE) rope handling results in significantly lower costs compared to spiral strand steel wire both during installation and future disconnection.

Cabral 512® PES utilises a rope construction that is optimised for offshore mooring applications. Manufactured from high efficiency sub-rope cores laid parallel within an outer braided jacket, each sub-rope is monitored during rope manufacture to ensure all sub-ropes have equal tension and length.

Why lankhorst offshore?

Gama98® Dyneema® DM20® fibre ropes have been used for the Wind Float Atlantic project offshore Portugal, 50MW Kincardine offshore wind farm offshore Scotland, and innovative WavePiston wave energy project.
Dyneema® hybrid mooring system comprising fibre ropes and mooring chain enable lower CAPEX and lower OPEX.
Reduced mooring line pre-tensioning requirements and limited rope constructional elongation (<1%). Durable strength mooring lines with operational life of more than 25 years.
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Rope solution for offshore energy

key projects

Lankhorst Offshore has manufactured and supplied mooring lines for major floating offshore energy projects including:

  • Windfloat Atlantic
  • Kincardine
  • Wave Piston
  • TetraSpar Demo

Offshore Wind Turbine Mooring

Lankhorst Offshore has extensive rope engineering design, manufacturing and testing facilities enabling the development of project-specific ropes best suited to the prevailing offshore mooring conditions, and mooring line configuration. 

Proven fibre ropes for floating offshore wind turbines offering excellent mooring characteristics, with reduced pretension requirements, leading to lower costs of installation.

Secure outside storage areas for finished product are available to clients at both our Portugal (LEP) and Brasil (LEB) facilities. At LEP there is 4,000m2 with further storage available at the nearby port of Viana do Castelo. At LEB there is 1,200m2 with an additional 42,000m2 at our transport carrier partner located 1.5km from our factory in the same industrial park.

For more information
Alberto Leao+351 229 619
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